VLC media player for Ubuntu
Ubuntu 13.10 “Saucy Salamander”
Ubuntu 13.04 “Raring Ringtail”
Ubuntu 12.10 “Quantal Quetzal”
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS “Precise Pangolin”
Quick install
This is the recommended way for installing VLC.Graphical way
Open Synaptic application (click on System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager).Search for vlc and install it. You may also want to install browser-plugin-vlc.
If you are interested in streaming or transcoding, you should additionnally install libavcodec-extra-53.
Command line way
% sudo apt-get update
% sudo apt-get install vlc browser-plugin-vlc
Nota Bene
Ubuntu includes whichever VLC version was the latest at the time the Ubuntu release was frozen(typically about two months before the official Ubuntu upgrade).Afterward, you can still get security and critical bug fixes, but no further major VLC version updates until the next Ubuntu release.
If you need a more recent version, please consider upgrading Ubuntu.
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